Monday, 12 March 2012

Define Normal

What is "Normal" well to Max its many things including

  • eating ice cream and chips at the same time
  • standing naked on the bedroom windowsill 
  • carrying a dog thrower around despite not owning a dog
  • talking to random strangers about their dogs, motorbikes, cars and anything else that has captured his imagination at that moment in time
  • being given a " golden Handshake" from Mainstream school at age 6
  • starting the car engine at every given opportunity
  • crashing said car into house wall
  • asking a bald stranger " where your hair gone man"!
  • waking at 5 in the morning determined to wash the car, play cricket, visit the neighbours dog,  ride his quad bike or whatever fantastic idea that has popped into his head at that moment
  • throwing a major tantrum when parents don't agree to 5 am demands
  • calling his parents " stupid poo heads" !
  • banging doors and shouting and screaming when cant do what he wants
  • being extremely affectionate and giving wonderful hugs
  • being adored by everyone who meets him ( well almost everyone)

For us I am really not sure anymore whats " normal" but its certainly not the same " normal" it was 9 years ago. Would I change it? Well if you asked me that 8, 5 or even 3 years ago my answer would almost certainly have been yes, but now today writing down all the things that " define normal " for Max, makes me realise the fun and unpredictability he brings to our lives. Yes its a constant challenge and there are days when a calm , ordinary life appeals but on the whole our " normal" that would be so abnormal to most people is just fine for us. Max is fun, funny, spirited, adventurous and  because of Max we have met friends  and been to many places we would never have been to. He has opened our eyes to a " life less ordinary" and for that I am grateful.


  1. In our house we say 'Normal' is overrated!!!!
    We too adored Mr Max our swimming/horse riding buddy...
    Love from Ben & Family xxx

    1. I agree normal is overrated! Have to say he has been a little monkey today, think poor Natalie had had enough by the end of his lesson today!
      How did the gorgeous Ben get on tonight? Xx

  2. Max sounds fabulous - what a colourful character! Snorting with laughter reading this. So many parallels - Chrissy told a boy at the supermarket checkout with an unfortunate afro 'your hair's not very good is it?'

  3. Jane... he is a colourful character! You have to laugh don't you?!

  4. i think that the term "a life less ordinary" is great! much better way of describing our "normal" - whatever that may be!
    life with max sounds bittersweet... i, however, love the fact he eats chips and ice cream at the same time...
    thank you for sharing this normal

  5. I smiled at this. I have many days when I struggle to see beyond the mountainous to do list and appreciate the fun side of having kids with special needs, thanks for cheering me up and sharing with Love All Blogs :)

  6. That sounds like the Max we know and love Caroline. I think your blogs definitely on the better side of amazing!
    (Fran x)
