Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Small step,giant leap.

Max's development progresses at "Max Speed, in Max time", like everything else about Max its Unique. One thing we have learnt to do over the years is to accept this, try not to worry when it seems to take forever to achieve things. The beauty of having a child with Special Needs is that other parents may note the milestones ,but we celebrate the inchstones, when those achievements come they are so sweet and the joy of them can lift me for days.

Today is a good day. We seem to have made a couple of leaps forward. Max is 8, he will be 9 in June. We started toilet training him at age 4. For the first 2 years he would have accidents numerous times a day. Over the last 2 years things have improved very slowly and nowadays he only has the occasional accident, mainly caused by him being too busy to go to the toilet. We still use pull ups at night but over the last few weeks they have been dry. This morning Max woke at 7 , his pull up was dry and he did the biggest wee on the toilet to which we all applauded. Now this may sound like a regular "normal" occurrence in most households but to us it means so much. Many a time over the years I have wondered will Max ever achieve full continence? will he always need to wear pads?. Now Max may take a few more weeks/ months before he is fully dry at night, it doesn't matter, we know he can do it now and to us that means the world. To all those parents out there with little ones with Special Needs never give up and remember it may take so long to achieve even little things but never stop believing in your child and don't forget to celebrate those inchstones.


  1. Iulen trinaed at nine - there have ben poo and wee accidents but less and less over time . yes we still keep spare set clothes handy espec on a day out where loos might be far from where you are at a given time but it is a major breakthru. well done !

  2. trained even! and for someone with autism and no social need to be like others and no verbal speech this was a miracle. he uses makaton toilet sign.

    1. Wow fantastic, well done Iulen:) I notice that Iulen, like Max now has have a diagnosis of rare chromosome , are you going to the Unique weekend conference in April? Xx

    2. i'd really like to bt would need to arrange child care for girls at least elsewhere - hmmm .

  3. Well done for persevering! Toilet training can be one step forward, two back with special needs we've found but pleased you got there in the end.
